• Pastor

    Pastor Wendell Davelaar accepted the call to lead Hollandale CRC in 2015. He can be reached at the parsonage number 507-889-2054 or by email at wdavelaar8@gmail.com, or maybe at the Three In One Restaurant during coffee a couple of times a week, looking forward to seeing you all on Sundays.

  • Council Elders

    Our congregation is led by two groups of people.  The first is called Elders, and they are charged with looking after the preaching, teaching and spiritual nurture of our congregation.  Currently serving as Elders are:

    Council President: Duane Vanderploeg

    Council Clerk: Peter A. Louters

    Membership Clerk and Vice President: Larry Vanderploeg

  • Council Deacons

    The second group of congregational servants are called Deacons. They are charged with looking after the physical well-being of our members. Currently serving as Deacons are:

    Deacon Chair: Carey Slegh

    Benevolence/Building Fund: Chuck Rietsema

    Special Offerings/Tuition Assistance: Conley Vanderploeg